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Muhammad Haikal.
Full-Time Drafts Person.
September 28th, 24.
In love with ClumsyB.

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The Time Of My Life - David Cook

Trust, stubborn-ness and responsibility
February 26, 2009 ; 14:48

Hey, I gonna talk about some people I know, A, B and C.

Person A, is someone who is very clever, has good communication skill. Sometimes when he talks, everyone suddenly listens to him like his dogs, agreeing to whatever he said. He has convincing ideas and good grouping individuals altogether. Unfortunately, we've got this problem of trusting him.

Do you know that a salesman speaks only 30% truth in promoting his products? The other 70% are all bullshits in order to convince his customers to buy his products. That's exactly how I describe Person A. He sure thinks for the future. So, to complete his mission, he will do anything by any means neccessary, telling this and that. Two headed or I may label Person A as a hypocrite.

Person B, is someone who is great at talking and making jokes. Always the center of attraction when he's in a group. It's like w/o him, that group would be a boring group. He's honest and whatever he thinks is not right to him, he will share his point of view without thinking of others' views. So called a straight-forward person. Unfortunately, his stubborn-ness show his rebellious character. He tends to disagree to people's suggestion & makes sure that whatever he believes can be fulfilled.

Like for example in a discussion or brainstorming, we gave ideas. Everyone agrees to this idea but he doesn't. And the way he talks, he simply wants everyone to listen to him. If he wants this, he will give reasons so as for them to change their mind to agree with him. He doesn't care about the others who are having a hard time coping. Like leaving the odd one just to continue with the rest. It's also consider ego.

Person C, someone who is funny, and always talks alot. Good in making jokes or making fun of others. Always gets away with it. When he's not in the group or late, people are willing to wait for him. Unfortunately, when people gave him face. He tends to take full advantage; kasi muka naik kepala. After all advices or even some naggings at him, he will repetatively do the same thing. Simply said, he's irrespossible. When he have something important to attend, in the middle or some occassion, he'll complain and pull people to agree with him.

Even when he have to attend an occassion, he will wait till last minute to prepare. During that last minute preparation, if he can't find any stuffs he needed to use, he just use his mate's stuff without asking his mate. Eventhough it doesn't fit to his size, he will just wear it w/o any care of any later consequences.

He's always late no matter where he is. He always takes his time and give stupid reasons that he thought people will fall for it. He tends to pull others to be as late as he is. Irresponsible in settling problems, housework, bills, fines, debts.

Talking about debts, Person C is spendthrift. He spends alot on useless stuffs. Instead of buying clothes that he's lack of, he spend on food, cigarettes and treat his friends. And at the end of the month. No, not even close to the end. Bankrupt and get loans...


So which one am I?



Quick Update!
February 25, 2009 ; 14:56

Hello readers!

Ok, quick update since some people may prompt me to do so. Here's a quick glance at what i'm currently doing. Complicated. That's why i'd call myself a busy man. Ahahx!

Click on the image for a larger view ok :D

As you can see, this is the plan layout, designed by the Engineer.

& this is the elevation drawing, I set the elevation drawing.

To be more accurate, this is the design, sleeper cabin designed for 4 men. This is what the engineer & I came up with to finish the whole thing.

That's all for now. Got work to do.



Working Life - Draftsman Not Draught man
February 23, 2009 ; 15:40

Hi people...

I gonna add abit about my working life. Well, I'm now a working boy. I'm a Draftsperson. The job is simple. Draw and design using Auto CADD software. It's like technical drawing. I work in this company, TRANSERVE CABINS PTE LTD. Website is here. Feel free to click on it. =)

So I draft cabins' interior and exterior. Sometimes, I even design draft toilets. Hahah! Sounds easy and interesting right?

But the stressing part is that I have to draft about 3 to 5 drawings per day. Excluding drawings for Tender. Sometimes I even have to do Elevation drawings and also Detailed drawings. When the job or profect is confirmed, my work will pile up! My company have a fabrication yard to construct or better word "fabricate" containers. I am so called due to doing part time engineering work. Meaning whatever stuffs I've draft, once the workers fabricate, I have to check and alias with them so as to draft AS-BUILT Drawing. Sounds complicated right? Well thats my job. Manufacturing is complicated. Wait till you know about Marine Offshore Engineering. Especially working in shipyards or Jurong Island. Will be worse. But it's a good experience.

So for future engineers, if my job is the same line as yours. That's what you're gonna expect in private companies. Unless you're working in KEPPEL or PSA. That will be ABIT different. Ups and Downs are common in working life.

