October 28, 2007 ;
Raye with me, khai and the NYP Silat Pioneers

Show your teeth please =)
That's better ;)
Candid !! Cheese.. ;p
Dad, Bro, Sis and Cuzzies and me
Can't wait for Sunday.. Taking lots of pictures with my baby.. hee... oops...
simply entry...
Yesterday after silat training, went to my
gf house for lunch.. The food were great !! Nice.. Her mum's cooking, superb.. Especially the rendang and rojak.. Forgot to ask for take away.. hee.. ooops...
Today is our
2nd month anniversary.. =) May our relationship last till eternity.. Which means till we settle down, get married and have kids.. oopss.. Too early? mmmm.. =p Insyaallah..
Tomorrow is my interview for work.. Getting prepared for tomorrow.. Hope it will go as planned.. Then will be the seni team 1st training..
Lastly.. look after yourself, your health, ur life, ur family, ur love ones and urself again... Why twice of urself? Bcos if u can't take care of urself, u may not able to take care of others.. Therefore, why care about others' situations, problems, mistakes, flaws, lives when u dun care of ur own.. Think of ur own rights and wrongs before pointing out on others'..
I dun say this becos im right.. Im not perfect. Infact, nobody's perfect.. No one ever have a perfect life.. If u think u have, then i guess u should not ever live in this earth again.. It'll be meaningless to live when everything is perfect..
Look ourself in the mirror and think about it.. Patiently.. Carefully.. U might find ur own..Lurv u bie.. Terima kasih kerna bersabar dgn karenah hkl selama ni.. u are my baby, childish, adorable, sweet, lovely, honey, clumsy gf.. oops... saaaaaaayaaaaang nurzafirah..Salam,
October 26, 2007 ;
no updates cos its just about me and the
I love it.. i like the relationship i have ryt now and i dun want to let it stop just like dat..
All the things about us, i reali cherish.. We trust each other and even if there are problems between us, still we stay tgt to sort things out..
Every relationship, sure there are ups and downs.. Everyone's not perfect nor every relationship. Even frienships and siblings have fights and quarrels.. Watever happens it is the love, trust and care that answers all..
The past.. Always appear out of no where.. they just when u least expected.. So how can these kind of thing just spoil the fun? How to forget these things when it appear and keep appearing..? Can it be easily gotten over with? Its all in the mind.. Tats what my cousin always say. A friend told me,
'its not the past that haunts you but its you that let it haunts'. If pple can't get over with the past then how can he or she forgets it.. Yah.. Its can't be forgotten.. So just treat it as a chilhood memories that can never appear again in our lives..Watever it is, the past is the past and now is the present. So live with it and just keep planning for the future..
Kita yg merancang, Tuhan yg menentukan. Tapi bila kita berdoa, Insya-Allah Tuhan akan mengabulkan..I'm hapi with my life rite now.. Even when the past appear, i will let it pass by me cos, i have
gf, my
clumsyB. She's always in my heart no matter what happens..
luv ya bie.. <3
October 17, 2007 ;
computer temporarily can be switched on.. relieved.. but not for long..
kept all the important stuffs (my old pics,
our pics) a few to our shared folder..
had a great time ytd.. but actuali it has been great since im with
one more person knows bout my failure.. yah.. im not dat perfect afterall.. but its all in the mind.. i realised im oredy perfect wen im with
her.. thanx for comforting, and supporting me
bie.. Besides my family,
she's like my other half of me.. im so lucky to have
her in my life.. Alhamdulillah..
Now to some of you..Groups are meant to have a leader.. Y does a group have to form up another group?
Like budak2 design gitu.. Budak2 alip ade puak2.. Omega ade puak2.. Silat ade puak2.. Den group kite pun ade puak2.. Can't we all just stay together.. How will the new ones wanna click with our one group when we are broken up into few groups.. The will think that the seniors have been like dat eversince.. I jus don't understand.. But who am i to judge them.. im neutral.. and i gonna be nobody to the group.. Infact i already have.. I have no rights to settle these whole thing..
Up to the
present leader and the
previous one..
Think about it ok if your group do have this kind of problem.. End say, done.
thanx bie for the support u and ur mum gave me.. hkl sgt terharu kerna bie terima hkl dengan seadanya.. Alhamdulillah.. ku berdoa agar jodoh kita berdua kekal hingga ke syurga.. (",)Salam,
October 15, 2007 ;
so call first day...
Went nyP with
gf.. she's lovely.. Was in the mcD.. Thot of eating breakfast but not in the mood.. Gosh.. y am even in this place? y am i still here? Yah, i want to.. i want let it stay as it used to be.. the change has occur and it will go on.. im terrified tat the fact im not part of this place animore... but thanx to
gf.. she makes me feel secure and hapi..
i juz cant stand the shameness and the embarrassment.. when a person get to noe of tis, im jus afraid to even tink abt tis situation again.. but i cant.. it will linger cos my mind recovers slowly.. yah im old.. yah im slow.. yah im aged.. "ku malu.."
sori i disappoint u bie... mama, baba.. maafkan ku kerna tdak jujur selama ni..Salam
October 03, 2007 ;
Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.Faith..
A word that is easy to be voiced out but hard to be implemented.
Advices mostly got to do with this "have faith". Yah have faith, cos pple do change.. Even life and the world. They changes every second or minute or mayb more specific, everyday.. Giving pple chances is also the same as u're giving urself chances.. Vice-versa..
Faith in love.. When u have trust u sure have faith in relationships..
So have faith... =)
whenever n wherever i'm wif you, it's juz hapi-ness, not sad-nessSalam
October 02, 2007 ;
ok. long time no update..
short and brief..
first of all....
Selamat Ulang Tahun Ibu Liza....Happy 42nd Birthday...Hykel doakan moga Ibu Liza panjang umur, murah rezeki, sihat2 selalu serta bahagia di samping suami, dan keluarga tersayang.. Amiin..(oops boleh eh awak anggil ibu awk 'ibu' =p )
Yeap. Alot of b'daes goin on huh.. hee..
ok.. later wana meet up with my
dearest to find her mum a present. yeay !
I editted my blogskin.. hehe.. and changed to a new song.. hee...
ok wanna bathe.. oops..
awk.. kite da update tau.. wish ibu awk lagi.. hee.. (",) c ya later B.Salam