September 25, 2007 ;
13th day of Ramadhan...Yeay !!Yesterday was...
Wani's Birthday..! She got her presents...
and............................................................................................................................................................. I got my presents too.. So early rite? First time sey.. Reali... ! hehe.. suke banget !! Lagi2 from my
dearest.. and not to mention, frm the
b'day gerl too.. ahaks.. Wanna see my presents? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Sori.. No advance camera hp or digi-cam.. so too bad la..
OK i describe.. got a mickey mouse cup frm
wani, the 24th sept baby which was ytd.. She gave me present on her b'day.. Funny la.. And summore she call me
'Abg Mickey Mouse', and i duno y la.. haha.. !! up to her la.. oso got card frm her which says.... oops.. nvm.. ;p
Now another special present for me.. of cos from my
dearest gerlfren.. mmm.. u have to guess la.. haha.. guessing game time... wait until my b'day then i tell k.. But its wat i always wanted from sumone.. cos i dun like to buy this thing myself.. and i got it frm her ytd.. So touched and of cos surprise.. she met me to give me the presents la.. (terperanjat kite bile awk panggil kite dar blakang.. tu je da surprise tau.. hee..) ;D
and.... one more from my
gerlfren too.. she bought a pair of identical bangles. one for me n one for her.. awww... so sweet.. the sweetest part was when she wanna buy them, they had onli 2 left.. which just for us.. me and her.. she and i..
honey and chocolate.. hehe... ;) Im so happi.. Moreover, we goin out together with the silat frens.. i missed them.. well.. i will always miss them.. i gonna miss them.. I may not be with u guys like we always do.. Insyaallah today most of them cumin.. Most important is my
dearest is cumin.. hee..
ok tats about it i guess..thx awk.. kite suke banget.. lagi2 dari awk.. hee..sori awak, kite tido cepat smlm mlm.. mesti awk sedang tunggu kte kol.. sori sgt2.. :sgood news is i dreamt abt u.. i tell u later.. but awk kene ingatkan kte kay.. syg awk.. (",)Love U Miss U Need U
September 24, 2007 ;

12th day of Ramadhan..... and it's her sister's birthday..HAPI 14th B'Day One-EEE !! oops.. ;)
Hope present da dapat..
Back to post...
Long time never update...
Lazy to type stuffs.. Well there's nuting great happenings but except for the days with her and them.. I reali gona miss them.. I duno wat will hapen if im not with them animore.. But wats important i still have her.. By my side.. who understands me.. wanna share my sorrows and joys.. I lucky n grateful to have her.. Alhamdulillah.. Now i realise there's a meaning in life.. When i live life to the fullest, its all bcos of her.. Cos it made me met her.. Back to the first time i noe her, till now when she's by my side, in my heart.. I can just feel her presence even when we are in visual contact.. I wana stand by her.. Be with her... Taking her away from her sorrows.. Making her hapi.. Lots and lots are in my mind now..
and dun wori honey... its all about us.. <3
Now random pics..

awak... terima kasih kerna memahami kite.. Aku ada kerna kau ada......
Love U Miss U Need U
September 20, 2007 ;
yesterday... outing w/o
her.. outing was ok.. normal, average.. i guess i was not my usual self.. Been tinking alot when i was sitting alone.. and there were the friends taking my pictures and all.. i hope they are not trying to cheer me me cos i dun wan them to noe wat i was actuali tinking of.. i reali gona miss them.. i just noe im not be able to be with them in the usual place animore..
A friend told me tat i was quiet ytd.. Well dat friend was rite i guess.. I can't always be cheerful.. Im not perfect and im sori..
Ya Allah.. Berikanlah kekuatan untuk ku berkata-kata.. KAU lah Maha Mengetahui.. Love U Miss U Need U
September 19, 2007 ;

susah mau diungkapkan.. hanya mau jumpa sama kamu.. pusing... pusing... tidak dilayak.. takot.. takot.. terlalu banyak takutnya.. tidak mau kehilanganmu.. jgnlah kamu bersedih sayang.. Jika diketahui, akan dikeji, dibiarkan, ditinggalkan.. Mengapa begini? Sudah sempuna kehidupan tetapi mengapa terjadi begini.. Tidak terdaya.. Jika diterima, adakah mereka menerima..? Kehabisan.. Kepudaran.. Kegagalan..
Shot down reali hard.. fading away..
Love U Miss U Need U

Fallen down reali hard.. Gona fade away..
Love U Miss U Need U

Hidup tidak bermaya tanpa mu.. Tanpa mereka.. Meninggalkan segalanya.. Mungkinkah ini takdir? Atau balasan dari MU..? Kebolehan terjejas.. Kehidupan terikat.. Kemanusiaan terbalas.. Kehadiran semakin pudar.. Tidak dapat masuk ke dalam tempat in lagi.. Sia sia saja pengorbanan.. Adakah difahami? Adakah dikeji? Adakah peluang? Adakah dikeluarkan? Sebabnya jelas.. Tiada lagi di situ.. Minat akan terjejas. Tidak ada yang mengetahui.. Kehabisan.. Kepudaran.. Kegagalan..
Fallen down reali hard.. Gona fade away..
Love U Miss U Need U
September 18, 2007 ;
6th day of ramadan...I'm reali hapi.. Get to go out together with my
gf and her
ibu yesterday.. Nervous at 1st but after a while of joking around and shopping and conversation; it actuali went well.. And im glad..
Her ibu does look serious.. if u duno her, u might tot she's fierce.. but she's quite funny too.. especialli wen she joked about my gf..(sori kte join ketawe kat awak..) oops.. During the shopping, i just window shopping.. bought some food for buke.. and oso her ibu bought some food for me.. i was trilled and shy too.. (malu sey ibu org lain belanje !!) ;P But im hapi tat the outing went well.. Alhamdulillah.. Thanx to
her.. Thanx to
ibu.. soooo much..
Moga perjalanan jalinan silaturrahim antara kedua keluarga kite kekal dan kembang.. insyaallah..
to awak, nxt time kluar ngan kite n famili kte k.. (",) saaaaaaayaaaaaang awk..
Love U Miss U Need U
September 15, 2007 ;
3rd day of fasting..
Nuting important to say actuali..
My Days are reali bored rite now without her.. Wana call or msg her.. I miss her badly but i dun wan to keep calling or msging her bcos i want her to miss me badly tooo.. I want her to miss me the way im missing her rite now.. But i noe she is missing me more..
Not every relationships are perfect. Some relationships have problems, arguments, debate, fights, etc..
But doesn't mean without the problems or arguments, its not call a relationship.. It may happen or it may not.. Maybe it'll be alot worse than others.. dun ever tink about this tings so much.. Live life to the fullest.. Don't expect some tings too much.. It's all on God's Will.. We just do our part as a human being.. and expect the unexpected tat will be in store for us..
to awak... jgn fikir byk sgt ye awak.. sabar.. bulan ramadan ni byk dugaan.. banyak2 berdoa ye.. insyaallah it will do smoothly..
I wish to be there for u.....
Love U Miss U Need U
September 13, 2007 ;
Lagu Rindu
Bintang malam katakan padanya
Aku ingin melukis sinarmu di hatinya
Embun pagi sampaikan padanya
Biar ku dekap erat waktu dingin membelenggunya
Tahukah engkau wahai langit
Aku ingin bertemu membelai wajahnya
Kan ku pasang hiasan angkasa yang terindah
Hanya untuk dirinya
Lagu rindu ini kuciptakan
Hanya untuk bidadari hatiku tercinta
Walau hanya nada sederhana
Ijinkan ku ungkap segenap rasa dan kerinduan
Love U Miss U Need U
September 11, 2007 ;

didnt update post for 3 days..
ok gona summarise.. ooopss..
saturday..... Went silat training.. not alot turned up.. maybe of the word swimming.. i guess alot dun noe how to swim.. hee... well in NYP silat alot noes how to swim.. The guys will be
president, pink guy, kimi, big fish, didi, me and quite alot.. Gerls ! if u wana drown we will save u all.. eheh ! Gerls that i noe who can swim will be
barney, itik, mmmm, mmm, mm, duno anyone else cos haven't seen them swim.. hee ! Dat day onli me,
president, pink guy, small fish, kimi, superman and
blur dat swam..
Ayam went in the pool but lifeguard dun let her swim cos she wore t-shirt.. My
darling didnt swim cos she she has a girl problem.. but i noe she knows how to swim.. ;p Burger was push into the pool in her silat uniform.. haha ! and the way she cried was funny la.. haha ! Then train as usual at judo rm, kicking, takedowns and lite sparring.. Burger keep on laughing lah.. Kecoh, irritating but she made training more fun.. hee ! she kicked superman's bottom.. ouch! (superman kuat gitu pun akhirnye di jatuhkan hahahahaha !) then kicked my
darling's bottom lak and oso punched her mouth.. ( ehk ! tak puas hati ke? balas alik eh? hee.. joking) kecian awak... I sent my
darling home after training.. we talked alot as usual.. hee.. Then she went for kenduri with her family at uncle's house.. Suspected some of her relatives know about us la..
Kte dun mind awk, asalkan its a good ting.. (",)
sunday... at home whole day.. talked to my
darling on the fone.. talked as usual.. Again.. heee.. i love talking to her.. especiali bout the time when we actuali frens.. If i were to confess my feelings to her earlier, i duno wat will happen.. But i did wait till the rite time.. And all the patience was worth it.. during we were frens, all i did was to help, to make her happy and not to feel stress or wat so ever.. It was the circuit ting tat brought me close to her.. Actuali there's alot of signs tat brought us together.. the day wen i watched movie with her and her fren and my twin name... the time i became the referee for her fight.. the setting up of the function.. the silat dinner.. the accidental hit on her head and face.. the long talks on the way home after east coast picnic.. the fun time at her dad's birthday BBQ.. the first MSN talk.. the time when she's goin on a holiday.. the sourvenir she gave me... and also the time i asked tissue.. the time she gave me tissue and tat was our first conversation.. I cant forget wen i called her tissue-gerl.. with her Hi Kitty Tissue..
Mase mase itu lah yg buat kite teringat bahwa susahnye nak pisahkan diri kite dgn awak..('',)
yesterday.... i went out with
darling to ViVo & some other places.. We actuali took bus 963 instead of the train.. hee.. skali skala kan kite naik bas ngan awak.. best tak awak? ;) It felt like ViVo was small wen im with her. i was like a foreigner la.. duno where to go when we reach there.. and i just know where
barney and
lollipop took theirs pics together, which was at the fountain la.. me and
darling spent almost 9hrs together.. ahakz ! (sori ryan tak jumpe ko tadi) there we took pictures.. eat together.. spent time together... sent her home.. Love spending time with her..
i am who i am too... n i love u for who u are. kte pun saaaaaayaaaaaang awak... hee ! may our relationship last... insya'allah..(",)
take care and have fun with ibu awak k.. sori uat awak tunggu kte smlm mlm.. :(
Love U Miss U Need U
September 07, 2007 ;
alone to mosque for friday prayers.. not gonna meet anione as i thought.. but met my neibourhood friends.. we talked lots of crap.. talk bout gerls and even disturb one passing by.. oopss.. sori awk.. well its been a long since we all joked with each other.. calling me HaikaLaBoB, then that 'Kung' word stil the 1st ting they call me.. duno y.. its better than the BKT.. Those in NYP Silat will noe.. Wakakaka..
didnt meet her today.. she's being a good gerl helping her mum.. i like.. even im missing her..
well.. no worries.. i gona c her tmr insyaallah.. jus watched Deal or No Deal.. Got fed with dat lady who participated.. she does look rich as i thought she would.. she's just greedy..
y some singaporeans have this 'discriminism'.. should the poor or should i say the low income pple participate in the game show too..? indonesian version is more fair.. they give a chance to the low pay participants, wich is great la.. should the rich be richer and leave the poor eating dust? imagine u were given a deal of $11500 and chances of having the $50000 is damn slim.. for those who reali nid money will just take.. but the rich? whose income per mth is $3000 to 4000? a doctor? i gues not.. No Deal! No Deal! Greedy!! I just realised that even our country have beggars around asking for money.. Gosh.. every country is the same.. meaning our country is not tat rich afterall with these beggars.. i mean our country is still not moving forward with these ppl still at the back.. Help these ppl and then its call One Peaple One Nation One Singapore =)
But i doubt it will not happen.. i would like to help these ppl but i, myself and my family are in the low income category.. Singapore even have caste system huh..?
Me with my big thoughts..
Love U Miss U Need U
September 06, 2007 ;
she's back.. yeay... but still miss her.. hehe.. tmr is friday and i didint realise dat.. may gona see her.. but it all depends and insyaallah.. Fasting month is cumin soon.. Less than one week.. By then its terawih time.. and Qiya mulail.. Fasting on a skool holiday.. After raya will start skul rite away.. hee..
duno wat else to type.. my mind just wanna see her.. ;)
Love U Miss U Need U
I edited my blog.. with her help of cos... missing her rite now.. she's been away out of S'pore.. So i edit abit to make my blog nicer abit.. hope she's having fun rite now.. im quite bored today.. Wanna go sumwhere but my whole body is just tired.. Maybe cos i dun wanna go out alone.. Mayb my body need her by my side.. Mayb my body is missing her.. yeah i AM missing her..
Anyway is a good thing to miss sumone u love or care.. By missing sumone u actuali tinking of that sumone.. The best part is that u are not forgetting that sumone.. In short u are remembering sumone by missing him or her.. =)
Therefore go on.. miss them okay.. ;)
Walaupun tanpa kehadiranmu disisiku,
bayangmu tetap di hatiku..
Walaupun ku tidak dapat mendakap tubuhmu,
bayangmu tetap di hatiku..
Walaupun tidak kedengaran suaramu,
bayangmu tetap di hatiku..
Bayangmu membuat hatiku dekat padamu..
Kerna ku tahu, kehadiranmu adalah untukku..
Ku sangat menyayangimu..
Love U Miss U Need U
di saat waktu berhenti mengikuti semua langkah-langkahku
kau adalah satu-satunya yang kuharap hadir dalam hidupku
di saat mentari berhenti mencoba menghangat di tubuhku
kau adalah satu-satunya yang ku tunggu hadir dalam jiwaku
menerangi setiap sudut ruang hatiku
memberikan kekuatan dalam setiap langkahku
Lagu cinta untukmu dari lubuk hatiku
yang kau selalu ku nyanyikan sampai akhir hidupku
Lagu rindu untukmu dari dasar jiwaku
yang kau selalu ku nyatakan di seluruh hidupmu
Bagai bintang dilangit
Begitu cinta kita
Tak kan pernah binasa
Meski terhapus masa
Terima kasih tuhan
Kau telah sempurnakan
Telah engkau ciptakan
Dia untuk diriku
moga awak slamat pulang..
Labels: Love U Miss U Need U
September 04, 2007 ;
after the performance for the 5 Nations Netball Tournament.. Ate at fork & spoon wit my gf.. Then i go to arabstreet and she went home.. I miss Her la.. When me, Gagap, Lolipop, Barney, Ryan, Tinggi, Prof Klon and Deen sang sentimental songs, i beginning to tink of her.. Actuali i always been tinking of her.. =)
She look so lovely with e make up and all.. Infact she is lovely the way she is... We went early to skul.. She brought choc sponge cake and choc marble cake for me.. So sweet of her.. Love her so much lah.. i ate lots of them.. ;) B4 that we bought crispy seaweeds and green tea with honey lemon and green tea with peach.. Like having a picnic at sch.. hee..
She drew my eyes with her eyeliner.. hee.. best best.. thanx awk, next time make up kan utk kte k awak.. xp Then we took pictures tgt.. And then do the performance as wat iv said earlier.. i was so very tired after the tournament.. nearly out of breath but managed it.. performance was ok.. Congrats to us.. especiali to the First timers.. Thanx to kak aida too..
Didnt send Her home.. Lain kali kite antar awak sampai depan pintu umah k... (",)
Smoke sisha at El-Sheikh.. Its been a long since iv been there.. The last, i forget when but it was when i was still smoking.. Felt abit giddy just now.. but was ok when i reached home.. Next time to karaoke..
Wish u were with me...
thanx for the cakes awak.. sukeeee banget.. saaaayaaaang awk =)
FaLLen **** OuTLabels: Love U Miss U Need U