LiFe & Understanding
August 31, 2007 ;
Life just ain't easy.. Everyone have the rite to hate their lives.. But y shud u hate ur own life where the good part is alot of times more then the bad part.. U may have suffer early but u will be hapi after that for a long time insyaallah.. GOD is Great.. HE didn't Create us to suffer.. There should be balance between the opposites.. Good, Bad, Rich, Poor, Eldest, Youngest etc...W/o balance what for u live in this world..? If its always hapi.. U be bored right.. Like ur life being planned by sumone other than HIM.. U have the right to control ur life.. Whether it's bad or good it's HIS will.. But u can change them.. Pray to HIM, Tawakal.. Patience... If is not today.. U hapi day might be tmr.. or the nxt minute.. u never noe.. So Live Life to the Fullest..Pls try to understand others' lives.. Not to interfere them.. Sometimes you have to understand people so that they'll understand u.. Patience.. Lots of patience... If u tell me.. U'll can't what iv been goin thru'.. Just look at my age now.. My appearance may not be the person u tink i would be.. So.... pls understand me...Understood??? (",)Find ur own fault b4 u find others'.. Understand each other n nuting will go wrong.. Insyaallah..FaLLen **** OuT
Changed her blogskin.. Next will be mine.. =) Its decided... 28 is the day.. The day we chatted, sat together.. The day we became so very close..Funny ting is we didn't realise tat was the day. Slenge kan..? yah we are.. xPMoga kita berdua akan kekal mencintai.. syg awk many many... Kite akan tepati janji kite, sayang... ;)salam,FaLLen **** OuT
August 30, 2007 ;

as the story goes..
it began to bloom like a rose..
and when i hold her hand,
i just wish it will never end...
Yup, i want it to be forever.. Forever loved.. Ku benar berharap kamu adalah cinta terakhir ku.....
Okay.. proper blog.. ate together.. watch movie with my lovely clumsyB.. horror one.. nice.. ending was abit confuse.. lots of question marks.. the gerl died.. but im confident she is one of mike's other gf.. tats y she oso died.. hahah.. aniwaes u hav to watch it to know better..
she was so lovely just now.. im so in luv wif her.. the cuteness became beautifulness.. the time we spent was like so short.. but i enjoy every moment of it.. harap awk juge.. yah i was late.. sorry awk.. lain kali kite dtg 15 mins earlier k.. hehe.. ;p
saw mat jambul.. =) funi la.. coincidently we saw each other as he wanted to board the train.. good thing we didint board the same train with him(maaf ye abang ryan ;p).. i sent her hm.. she had a curfew and she had to be home b4 tat time.. yeah, i manage to send her b4 the time limit.. its my pleasure my loveliness..
tmr.. last performance training.. must do my best.. dun want to be careless n clumsy.. give 100% insyaallah.. =)
and.... HaPPy BirthDay MaMA !!! 46 year old but still my supermum.. surprisingly, its the same day as malaysia's national day.. Merdeka!! Hwahhwah! She got a handbag..!!
Ku berdoa moga MaMaku panjang umur, murah rezeki dan kekal bahagia bersama suaminye yg tersyg.. Iaitu BabaKu.. Amiin..
love mama, baba, adik2.
sayang awk... =)
FaLLen **** OuT

training was stress.. end with sweetness to our tongues.. white choc cake!! yum yum..!! ahakz !! Mami Jambu was so touched.. i understand what she's been goin thru.. But she's hapi jus now.. Tat matter most for all her anak2 silat NYP.. hee.. Bought for mami jambu choc banana cake.. frm me n ryanshah.. then we all go back one big group.. so great.. like one big family.. at the mrt station, sum split up cos takin bus and train.. end say.. drop down mrt to send her hm.. eat fries n drink milo during our walks.. =) tmr goin out.. wana watch movie.. hee..
alhamdulillah.. her last ppr was done and i pray dat she will pass her CP.. i noe she will cos she's a bright person.. clever than me.... oops.. ;p alhamdulillah..She finish paying bck her fasting for last yr.. tunggu bulan ramadan nanti ye.. aru kte leh puase same2 ngan awk.. ;))
*its my pleasure awk ;) amiin.. as i've just said.. kte nak tgk awk hapi, dan kte akan hapi juge.. slmt mlm jugak pada awk..
gue syg banget sama loh =D
FaLLen **** OuT
August 28, 2007 ;
Kesabaran... separuh daripada iman.. Walaupun kamu benar, tetapi dia wajib dihormati..
Hanya Tuhan yg tahu keadaanmu
Ku faham perasaanmu
Bersabar lah sygku...
Ku tahu perasanmu..
Tak tahan lagi untuk melepaskan nya, kemarahanmu..
Akan tetapi hormati lah dia..
Selesaikannya dengan sabar..
Ku tahu kebenaranmu..
Kebenaran tidak semestinya dipercayai,
walaupun dgn tulus dan hati yg suci..
andainya ku dpt menolong mu,
meringankan bebanmu..
Kebahgiaanmu yg ku ingin selalu..
Bersabarlah sayangku..
Ku tahu kebenaranmu..
Kebahgiaanmu yg ku ingin slalu..
Dari itu, Ku akan tetap bersamamu,
walau apa pun rintangan mu..
all the best for ur CP awk.. Tumpuan sepenuhnya pada ppr awk.. Dun wori, it'll be fine.. JY!!
selamat berpuase awk.. harap awk tak lupe niatnye.. get well soon..
saaaayaaaang awk.. ('',)
FaLLen **** OuT
went to the library with clumsyB.. help her study.. but im just lyk helpless cos its different frm wat i did last year.. iv tried my best to help her.. If she's hapi, im hapi too.. =)
tmr silat training.. sumone dun wana go just bcos of this other person.. gosh.. who's not matured rite now..? hack care with that person.. this is life.. be strong.. face tat problem.. not by running away from it.. cursing and jus run away.. responsiblilty man!! on the other hand.. u can give ppl advise and all but not to tell wat he or she have to do.. Give advice has the limit.. As long as not interfering his or her own deci
sion.. We can onli give advices but not give decisions.. Decisions are for one own self to make.. Cos it will affect own self most than others.. Dun interfere with other ppl's problem.. plsss.. u mite be the interference or worst the problem.. make sure watever u wana do, u'll not regret it..FaLLen **** OuT
ok a person asked me how to know whether sumone giving a hint of love.. i just simply not sure.. its difficult cos this kind of thing just happen.. Either urself or tat person mite have tat feeling.. so go on with the flow.. or u can just tell or ask straight foward.. But dun wori my fren, u will find the answer urself soon..
no more ppr.. yeay!! but hav to support her for her upcomin CP ppr.. JY clumsyB.. =)) Just now training were so diff w/o her.. But must carry on.. Summore MAMI JAMBU cant turn up to train us.. Her father in law is very ill.. How sad, and its a day after her b'day.. I hope she's gona be strong.. i noe will.. Ku doakan agar bapa mertua mu sembuh dari sakitnya.. Jika Tuhan lebih menyayanginya, ku berdoa agar dicabut nyawanya supaya ringan kesiksaan sakitnya.. Amiin.. Training end early.. So go home without sending her.. But its orite.. tmr help her study CP.. ;)
Dats me with the cap and specs.. Beside... hmmm who will tat be.. awk la.. cam tak tau je.. =) thanx to a mapple designer.. want ur mapple design? find dis person.... urself.. haha..
Dis is cute rite? Hee.. Thanx to her n the designer.. ;)
Tuhan Maha Mengetahui.. Ape jua yg berlaku adalah kehendak-Nya.. Bersabar lah kerna ini semua ada hikmahnya..selamat berpuase awk.. 2 more days to victory tau awak.. all the best..SaYang Her.....
FaLLen **** OuT
August 27, 2007 ;
back frm JB batu Pahat Rengit.. far far away aunt who is 3 yrs older than me, got married with a businessman who is 8 years older than her in My kampong.. gosh, forgot my camera!! scenary there were nice, pleasant and relaxing.. Felt lyk wanting to stay there for very2 long time.. but i'll be missing my family.. and her of cos.. i hav lots to tell her.. the first ting in my mind when i reach home is to call her, wanna hear her lovely voice, see her sweet smile, adorable face.. wish i could be wif her thru out.. well.. few seconds with her oredy lyk a microsecond.. imagine a lifetime wif her.. pls calculate.. ;)clumsyB loves eating cheese fries.. funny thing is she wanna eat alot jus now.. well she was fasting, no wonder she want to eat alot.. waffle, nasi lemak, kfc.. in the end KFC.. how cute.. =) she is cute, sweet, lovely, unpredictable, clumsy at times, stubborn..(jgn marah ye awk) but i like.. ;) ahakzz !tmr paper.. study last minute and doin past yr paper.. After ppr go training. TGR GO Fight Win!! HAPI B'DAY KAK AIDA!!insyaallah, keyakinan diri dapat membawa awk kemane mane.. Moga awk dpt capai ape yg awak hajati.. FaLLen **** OuT
August 24, 2007 ;
im gonna be away.. but jus for one day.. dun wori awak, kte alik cepat.. kte jage diri kte baik2 k.. awk jugak tau.. =)She's gona take her bursery and me gona balik kampong.. so both of us has different place to attend but i will tink of her wherever i go..well, its like 5 days without clumsyB.. cannot disturb her and joke with her and all.. jus one day now but seemd like one week.. geez.. wat actuali is dis? butterfly in stomach.. hapi thoughts.. heart thumping fast.. am i reali missing her..? hapi for her.. keep it up awak.. insyaallah awak dapat lagi dengan kejayaan lagi satu.. beri kebanggaan kepada ibu dan abah awk, serta arwah nyayi awak.. amiin..DUN MISS ME.. i wll miss u..FaLLen **** OuT

Training was ok.. didnt go for interview jus now.. just tot need to study first.. i might get a proper career like when im 25? or mayb 26? 27? Tats quite long.. I nid finance to support my family.. i once read this msn personal message of a friend, which says, 'Anak tanggung keluarga? Bukan bapak ke?' wich is true la... but it depends on the age.. 15 yr old cannot be lah.. but like 23 yr old son.. shud be taking care of his parents oredy.. ryt? not expecting pocket money from them.. ryt?
responsibilities always hinder me from doin my normal life... may b i shud remain dis way.. remain single.. remain as a child.. remain unmarried...
sumone once told me tat i will never hav a girlfren if i always giv in.. But i dun care.. givin in is a good thing ryt? we shud respect each other, i noe.. but to earn respect frm others is to respect them as well.. Equal ryt? im not a casanova, women lover or sweet talker.. its just tat i respect them.. treat them as if they are princesses.. being a gentleman. its common ryt..? i do sumtimes disturb or fool ard.. especiali clumsyB.. well.. she's in a different story lah.. oops.. does tat mean im a buaya? always hang out with girls?
Hey.. cummon! im not tat gd lukin.. im not tat macho.. im not dat perfect.. y shud i even want to hang out with them anyway.. i hav moral, 'harga diri', principle.. gosh who wud want to be jealous of me.. im just nobody tat no one will ever care.. im just crap.. sum old guy wanting to be young.. hanging around with youngsters to hide my age.. yayaya.. watever.. i can't believe sumone wld ever tink of me dis way..
mayb i shud stay silent.. stay unsocial.. or worst stay bein a "mat rep"..
Tuhan saje yang Maha Mengetahui..
awk.. kite tak marah tau psl awak tertdo smlm, kte paham awk ngantok.. sori bual byk sangat.. =)
FaLLen **** OuT
August 23, 2007 ;
ytd ppr was done.. its like pain in the brain.. i hope i pass cos i just nearly giv up while doin tat ppr.. But get to finish them.. fren offer me cigs after ppr.. its just tempting but i manage to reject e offer.. hav to be strong..And.... again.. i hurt myself during training.. when will my knee ever be normal..? Ku serah hanya kepada Dia yg Maha Kuasa.. today training again but more serious mami jambu cum to train us in dis big performance wich is cumin up.. i hope i can giv 100% and will not injure myself but most important is not to injure her.. Gona go with her to training.. an
d gona meet her turtle.. heez.. ;)ur welcum.. keselamatan mu lebih penting dari diri ku..FaLLen **** OuT
August 21, 2007 ;
tmr is my nxt paper.. math.. jus relaxing ryte now.. so blog and gona upload the wedding pics.. Tat's funny? my first proper pic uploads.. haha.. here it goes..

Batrishah singing =)

Her Sis, Nadrah oso wants to sing. Kiut kan? Hee.. x)

The shortest is their young sis, Balqis n syazwani in yellow.. All my little cuzzies singing 'Buaya Darat' ;P

Tumpang glamour with the bride and groom (me, my Dad, Nenek, Mak Ngah, and cuzzies)

Me of course.. Wedding karaoke singer.. Ahakz!
ClumsyB fasting jus now.. Now she's sleeping and resting.. She's beginning to get a cold.. :( Ate panadol already.. :) Can't wait to see her tmr.. ;)awak jage kesihatan tau.. get well soon.. all the best for math paper awk esok.. ;]FaLLen **** OuT

clumsyB's edited pic for me.. Yes.. My world does revolves around u too.. Thanks... =)))
loh bisa kangen sama gue karna gue juga kangen sama loh.. jika tu emang beneran.. iya kah? =)
FaLLen **** OuT
August 20, 2007 ;
ppr done.. 2010 Did ok.. Stress and nervous.. But alhamdulillah.. wed is math.. yeah.. study study study.. my bro took MC. We go for a brothers out.. Jalan2 northpoint je.. haha.. He blanja me.. ahaks ! it's been a long time. I've been giving him treats.. Now his turn to give me a treat.. Makan pattaya chix rice.. Nice.. Free mestilah sedap.. hee.. Reach hm and watch Cinta Fitri.. at indon channel.. Abt dis girl who is 18 yrs old who gona marry a 20 yr old guy.. But he died b4 they cld meet.. Then came this 25 yr old guy who recommend her to work at his dad's company.. He didnt realise he was in love with dis gerl.. But dis gerl still tink of the 20 yr old guy.. As the story goes... This guy realised his age is an issue.. he decided to give up but his heart still content to her.. willing to wait till she accept him.. to be awak, harap exam abis cepat.. lagi 3 paper je awk..FaLLen **** OuT
common blogging... hee.. Yesterday was pretty tiring day.. but so happy.. At last after wat my cuzie has been thru', she manage to marry her love of her life.. 5 yrs of relationship.. iT shud had been me first.. but.. Its alrite.. God knows wats best for me.. Great thing of tat wedding was tat my cuzzie married to my NS fren.. hee.. Coincidence, coincidence.. i saw pisang.. i sang karaoke.. Even duet with my 8 yr old little cuzin.. she's so cute.. We sang My Heart.. Ahaksz ! Brother wana kenal2 ngan 2 gerls.. waahh.. tak cukup satu ke? hee.. he wantd to help me get one but i hav clumsyB in my heart.. ;) At the end i helped clean the place up.. then we went hm..on our way hm.. i beginning to miss mama.. Feel bad can't accompany her to JB.. She called and the ppl there asked about me.. Y i didnt cum and all.. I do miss them but i dun have time to go there.. im jus embarrassed that im still career-less.. Insya'allah one day i'l go there.. End say.. She reached home safely and im glad.. Alhamdulillah..Today gonna hav this exam.. im not sure if im prepared.. But i'll will do my awak, lets focus on the exams k.. everything wiil be just fine.. insya'allah..FaLLen **** OuT
August 19, 2007 ;

saturday.. was the best nite.. watch fireworks wif cilipadi, marsha, bulat, cikgu, ryan, yayat, minah, botak n opah.. fireworks were great.. and its botak b'day.. ate mango ice cream cake.. took pictures and all.. posing here and there..
sent clumsyB hm.. talked to her non stop.. took pictures in e train.. ;) wish tat day was like forever.. on our way to her hm.. my mind wanted to open up sumting.. but my mouth jus couldn't say it well.. heart were thumping reali fast.. but i hav to be strong, calm.. she is just unpredictable.. my feelings was expressed.. sent to the door step..
sorry awk, antar lambat.. Hope ok with everything..
FaLLen **** OuT
August 16, 2007 ;
Am i gona die..? Should i just continue with the ciggs..? But i want to stop.. For my own good.. Its just hard.. Ever since i stopped, my fitness decreasing.. I noe its a stupid reason but its the truth.. I hv frequent headaches and giddyness after a hard training. Am i getting older or more sick..?

Only GOD Knows me well..
Kau kelihatan tidak berdaya..
Namun ku juga..
Akan tetapi, tetap ku mahu melihat kau ceria..
Walaupun ku tersiksa..
Selamat menunaikan puasa clumsy-B
FaLLen **** OuT
ku mencintai mulebih dari apa punmeskipun tiada satu orang pun yang tahuku mencintai mu sedalam-dalam hatikumeskipun engkau hanya kekasih gelapkuyakinlah bahwa engkau adalah cintakuyang ku cari selama ini dalam hidup kudan hanya pada mu ku berikan sisa cinta kuyang panjang dalam hidup ku..hidupku...ku mencintai mu lebih dari apa pun meskipun tiada satu orang pun yang tahuku mencintai mu sedalam-dalam hati kumeskipun kau hanya kekasih gelapku ku mencintaimu sedalam-dalam hati kumeskipun kau hanya kekasih gelap kukekasih gelap kuFaLLen **** OuT
August 15, 2007 ;
Cinta dalam hatiMungkin ini memang jalan takdirkuMengagumi tanpa dicintaiTak mengapa bagiku Asal kaupun bahagia Dalam hidupmu Dalam hidupmuTelah lama kupendam perasaan ituMenunggu hatimu menyambut dirikuTak mengapa bagikuMencintaimu pun adalah Bahagia untukkuBahagia untukkuKuingin kau tahu... Diriku disini Menanti dirimu...Meski kutunggu hingga ujung waktuku..Dan berharap rasa ini kan abadi untuk selamanya...Dan izinkan aku memeluk dirimuKali ini sajaFaLLen **** OuT
Clumsy B.... again
August 14, 2007 ;

Duno y still tink of her.. She's just to good for me.. Our age is not the matter but its me.. I may be not gd enuff for her.. I want her to be happi.. The first time i met here, she's so simple.. Simple gerl.. The first word came out frm my mouth was by askin her for tissue.. Gd pick up sentence SepanBoB.. ahaks..
She is just unpredictable, somestimes i can feel tat she cares bout me, but sometimes she's just mean to me.. Pinch me, kick me.. Actuali not dat mean compared to me.. pulling her bag, disturbing her and all..
The day we start talking alot was on msn, the day i got her num. She's goin overseas and just as i want to start talkin to her in person.. My mind were of her cos i tot its just a come and go conversation.. She came back with a keychain about Life.. Im touch by how she knew bout me and wats happening to my life without telling her a ting.. God is Great, i dumo when i started to be close to her.. i duno when i started to like her... i duno when i fall for her.. its just eversince... mmmm.. i duno when.. My mind just couldn't stop tinkin bout her..
How am i gona tell her bout my feelings for her..? God help me.. i dun want to be a coward but i jus duno hw.. Shud i just tell her straight forward or write to her or.... how? Pls help myself..
It takes a lot of courage to show your Love to someone else
FaLLen **** OuT
August 12, 2007 ;
Training was sux for me.. I nearly fainted and my kicks were all worst.. When will my legs recover.. damn ! I'm just useless.. I dont want any sympathy but thanx for kicap help i can regain alittle strength.. I just hope i can recover to a normal fighter.. especiali my knee..Meeting clumsy B often makes me smile even on a bad day.. i duno y when im with her, i forgotten every sorrows and unhappiness.. She just makes me smile, laugh and all the hapi thaoughts i can tink of.. K enuf HykeL..Went to bbq.. Ate alot, sumone said i was like a rubbish bin.. haha.. but i exercise at the same time by helping out on the bbq thingy.. The twins were so cute, chubby and cuddly.. Hehe.. Reached home late but was satisfied and so happy.Are we not like two volumes of one book?FaLLen **** OuT
August 10, 2007 ;

Gona have interview tmr.. Hope i get it.. Want to get a career.. im getting old.. Need a life.. Need sumone by my side.. All the best for myself..
FaLLen **** OuT
August 09, 2007 ;
When to c Clumsy B.. B4 tat had prob of my own.. Biased lecturer.. Dun lyk me i guess.. Onli god knows what iv done wrong to him.. Met clumsy B with a long face.. im in no mood but.... i were worried bout her cos when i saw her eyes, seems like she just cried.. Sat with her and forget bout my prob.. She reali makes me forget my pain and sorrow everytime when im with her.. I gona repay her with my full attention..Stayed with her, help her a bit, not much.. But its the effort from my heart tat matters.. I just dun want to c her cry and i want her to be happi.. The number of your kicks and pinches to my arms and legs are the number of time im with you.. Your hits are like cupid's arrows shooting to my heart with your name on those arrows..
FaLLen **** OuT
Lyric of a song...
August 07, 2007 ;

Ungkapan kata selindung hasrat nan di hati
Andainya ditafsir terserlah makna yang tersembunyi
Renungan mata bukan pandangan biasa
Bertahun andai terjalin hingga waktu ini
Gurauan mesra menghiasi masa kita bersama
Semakin berputik perasaan ini
Kini baru ku sedari
Selama ini kau ku sayangi
Andai bukan itu hakikatnya
Mengapa rindu yang ku rasa
Mungkin tiada ku fahami
Tidak dapat ku nafikan lagi
Beban rahsia kian membakar diri
Kalimah cinta selongkar renungan dicipta
Mungkinkah dibiar terdampar
Kasih tak kesampaian
Naluri bisik bukannya dambaan cinta
Kini baru ku sedari
Selama ini kau ku sayangi
Andai bukan itu hakikatnya
Mengapa rindu yang ku rasa
Mungkin tiada ku fahami
Tidak dapat ku nafikan lagi
Beban rahsia kian membakar diri
Ikhlas ku nyatakan
Kau yang ku sayangi
Kau yang ku cintai
Walau tak mampu ku miliki
Ingin ku luahkan
Mungkin satu hari
Kan terbuka pintu hati
Dapat juga kau terima
Diriku akhirnya
Ikhlas ku nyatakan
Kau yang ku sayangi
Kau yang ku cintai
Walau tak mampu ku miliki
Ingin ku luahkan
Mungkin satu hari
Kan terbuka pintu hati
Dapat juga kau terima
Diriku akhirnya
FaLLen **** OuT
Dats the award nite finale pic.. Saw me?...
Interview went well ytd.. But i was late... Becoz of an accident... Help sumone.. Love being a CiviL Service man.. Met a police friend.. Sent me to the place where my interview was in his police car.. Wow!! Best!! Lyk VIP seh.. But can be oso like criminal.. Interview so long till 4pm.. Answer tat psycological test.. But for my own good..
Today.... Project done.. Time to hand it in.. Hope there'll b nuting wrong happenings today.. Then study study study... Check past year paper... All the best to me and her and them..
Gona meet clumsy B....
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be my find?
Could it be, after all this time,
Fate is going to be kind?
FaLLen **** OuT
Judging People
August 06, 2007 ;

Had a great nite last nite... Enjoy even if its tiring.. Get to sing, took pictures with clumsy B.. God, she's so sweet, pretty.. Ahakz ! OK.. The award nite was fantastic!! I did my part and even other's part.. Alot man!! MUMMY nearly explode bcoz of the cock-up.. Scary sia..
Thanx to KERAS for helping me to do the games.. I was fed up with the manager of the place. "Merajuk mcm bunga." Tak paham bout him..customer has the ryte to ask about these things.. Then you espect a customer to do all the stuff? What if we destroy that microphone..? Who held responsibily? Dun u tink its us..? Well... Let bygones be bygones..
Oh yah.. There is this problem between 2 friends of mine.. Bcos of the 3rd party, this 2 friend had a unobvious fight.. I duno what but i hope its settled.. Insyallah.. On the afternoon just now i werk at simei as a waiter for this caterer of weddings.. But no directly to her. But to him. My silent businessman.. He open up this KENDARAT agency which follow under different wedding planners such as FEYZUL and ROS.
I get to know this gerl who work there too who is just 16 but as tall as me.. She asked for my nomber, and i just gave to her without asking back for hers.. Yah i do luk young huh but which gerl will look thru' me for who i am? Young girls wana get to know me when i look young but when there knew of my age, they move back one step. And older gal as well as my age will not want to get to a young-faced guy like me cos' they will thought im immature..
Hey don't go for guys with looks k.. U gerls will b disappointed.. Not that you should choose me but.... don't ever judge a book by its cover aite!!
FaLLen **** OuT
Need A Freak
August 02, 2007 ;

Choices, choices, choices......
Why doesn't happen to me?
Always in a situation where i hav to wait.. I guess i've been fated to wait and wait.. Patience will always be in me even if i begining to get sick and tired of it. Yah.. Wat a great life i had and have..
I jus need a freak like me.. They say opposites attract but i dont ting so. Cos my opposite character dont even attract.. Hahah.. Or izit jus me who is tinking tat way..? Hmmm... Emo.... Damn emo..
Saw clumsy B with him.. Well... Its ok.. Freedom as well as single still tagged on each other.. Just go with the flow and not to be tat obvious. Thanx Marlet Boy for the advice.. Made myself happy by window shopping at CWP with Superman, Marlet Boy and Kai. Great to be with them.. Met up with others too... And its all like coincidence..
Met princess too.. Everything happen one straight shot.. Shocked but my friends were there to let me forget tat incident...
Thanx once again.. You were all my hero when it comes to jokes... ;P
FaLLen **** OuT
Clumsy B

The day tat i tot it will never end.. And dat time passed reali fast till i forgot wat i supposed to do.. Just for tat one situation to be settled, i end up talking and joking ard until i propably settle the situation. But i like it alot even though i felt disappointed and helpless to help her..
Watched her sweet smile as she told abt her life and all.. It felt so short but yet time was that fast.. Lookin at her eyes, listening to hear voice, smile as she laughed. As I continue my talks with her, I become aware that, in my heart, a window is opening. I just want it to be forever.. Time will tell..
Hope and will pray that she is doing ok..
FaLLen **** OuT
August 01, 2007 ;
Yesterday's meeting was done.. But still have not done that scrap stuff.. Gona do it with no one's help i guess..
There she goes passing by.. Nothing that i could do to stop or be with her. Just to come school everyday hoping that i can atleast be beside her..
Today i gona help her but not that much.. i dun wana let her know my true intentions.. Well, its feelings actuali..
Stress on projects and admin stuff to appeal from being kicked out. There is always the word BIAS in every part of this damn planet. I just dont understand these ppl..
Ku Berdoa Agar Dunia Akan Lebih Aman Tanpa Orang Seperti Ini..
FaLLen **** OuT